RRI in tiny formats for curious audiences

Written by Andrea Troncoso

Are you sometimes wondering what kind of activity would be suitable to tackle questions related to our involvement in sciences? To give you some examples, whether you are a member of a city council, a researcher in medical sciences or a manager at an NGO related with gender, ethics or mobility, there is always a need to connect, engage, inform, share and reflect together about issues that directly affect us. And there is no escape, everything is related to sciences…!

In the NUCLEUS project we are working towards a cultural change in research institutions and that means looking at things from another perspective and daring to do things in a different way. Part of our invitation is to try formats to bring together different people from society, that have a saying, a concern or an interest in scientific issues. That is why we took part of the EUSEA Annual Conference and explained why we think that 7 open formats can contribute to create new ways of working and dialoguing among us. Andrea Troncoso, EUSEA project officer for NUCLEUS, took the stage during an Horizon Talks session and shared these formats, to set the scene towards conversations about science, society, policy, economy, communications, among others: fishbowls discussions, RRI Basecamp training, design workshops, are some of the formats that are described in detail, with information about how to make the best of them. To learn about the formats, visit the Tools section at www.nucleus-project.eu, and take the opportunity to apply them!

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Our last Mobile Nucleus!

At the beginning of summer and in the middle of the Effekt Science Festival in Karlsruhe, Germany, the last Mobile … Read more

World Conference of Science Journalism

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May – A great month for mathematics!

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