Location | Bielefeld |
URL | uni-bielefeld.de |
Bielefeld University
The Nucleus research team at Bielefeld University is part of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Science (I²SoS). I²SoS is located at the Department of History, Philosophy, and Theology of Bielefeld University.
I²SoS researchers come from the history, philosophy, and economics of science. The agenda is focused on the interrelations between science and society and is directed at methodological, economic, and social aspects of science in historical perspective: How does the epistemological value system of the sciences respond to the pressure exerted by social needs and economic constraints? What is the incentive structure of scientists under such conditions? What is the relation between science and the social world in historical change? I2SoS hosts the Master program “History, Economics and Philosophy of Science” (HEPS).
The Bielefeld work package consists of a three-step procedure. In the first step, the conceptual framework and the social conditions for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) are developed and aimed to be clarified. In the second step, to be taken mostly in parallel to the first one, an empirical survey is conducted among leading researchers, high administrative officers in universities, and top university researchers. This survey is intended to reveal key features of the perception of RRI among exponents of the scientific community and to identify possible obstacles to their implementation. In the third step, we want to adjust the analysis developed in the first step to the results of the survey and to identify critical preconditions for implementing responsible research and innovation strategies. The recommendation is subsequently realized experimentally in partner universities of the consortium.